Operating System


Three processes arrive at time zero with CPU bursts of 16, 20 and 10 milliseconds. If the scheduler has prior knowledge about the length of the CPU bursts, the minimum achievable average waiting time for these three processes in a non-preemptive scheduler (rounded to nearest integer) is _____________ milliseconds.


Which one or more of the following CPU scheduling algorithms can potentially cause starvation?


Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct in the context of CPU scheduling?[MSQ]


Three CPU-bound tasks, with execution times of 15, 12 and 5 time units respectively arrive at times 0, t and 8, respectively. If the operating system implements a shortest remaining time first scheduling algorithm, what should be the value of t to have 4 context switches? Ignore the context switches at time 0 and at the end.


Consider four processes P, Q, R, and S scheduled on a CPU as per round robin algorithm with a time quantum of 4 units. The processes arrive in the order P, Q, R, S, all at time t = 0. There is exactly one context switch from S to Q, exactly one context switch from R to Q, and exactly two context switches from Q to R. There is no context switch from S to P. Switching to a ready process after the termination of another process is also considered a context switch. Which one of the following is NOT possible as CPU burst time (in time units) of these processes?


Which of the following algorithms defines time quantum?


Consider the following four processes with arrival times (in milliseconds) and their length of CPU burst (in milliseconds) as shown below: These processes are run on a single processor using preemptive Shortest Remaining Time First scheduling algorithm. If the average waiting time of the processes is 1 millisecond, then the value of Z is __________.


Consider the set of processes with arrival time (in milliseconds). CPU burst time (in milliseconds), and priority (0 is the highest priority) shown below. None of the processes have I/O burst time. The average waiting time (in milliseconds) of all the processes using preemptive priority scheduling algorithm is __________


In which one of the following page replacement policies, Belady's anomaly may occur?


Consider the following CPU processes with arrival times (in milliseconds) and length of CPU burst (in milliseconds) as given below: If the pre-emptive shortest remaining time first scheduling algorithm is used to schedule the processes., then the average waiting time across all processes is ________ milliseconds.